Verbal Messages



The Official Language Of Costa Rica

Spanish is the official language of Costa Rica. Brought to the country with the arrival of the Spanish, the language became prominent. Spanish is used in the government administration of the country, by the country's media, and the educational institutions of Costa Rica. (The World Factbook, 2021)

According to Britannica, (Mufwene, 2023) Lingua franca is a language used between populations. The term was first used during the Middle Ages and was described as a French and Italian-based jargon or pidgin. Lingua franca can bring together very diverse groups. The use of the English language as a lingua franca will most definitely impact my ability to communicate effectively with the people from Costa Rica, as English is also a language that is widely spoken. (The World Factbook, 2021)

Some common words translated to Spanish from English, and the pronunciation for each from Google Translator (google translate, 2023)

  • Hello!/ Hola/ōˌlä
  • Yes/ Si/sē
  • No /No
  • Please /Por favor/pôr fəˈvôr
  • Thank You/ Gracias/ɡräsēəs
  • Can you help me?/ Me puedes ayudar
  • I don't understand No entiendo
  • I don't speak Spanish/ no hablo español
  • My name is Corey/ Mi nombre es Corey.

Because Spanish is a common language in the United States, all of these words were easy to pronounce. Before traveling to another country, I want to know some basic phrases such as these if I become lost or am in a situation where I need to communicate with someone without the help of a translator. I feel that I have a very unique opportunity as I will have the opportunity to stay with a good friend that has made connections with the people, and has learned some of the language. I feel like I will have an advantage as I embark on this journey.

In translating a paragraph from Spanish to English, I noticed fewer words in the English version. It also tells me that if I am ever in a situation where I cannot communicate, I can use these new technologies to my advantage.  (google traslate, 2023)

 Our language influences our view of reality because it is a part of our culture, who we are, and how we communicate our thoughts and feelings. In the United States, we use many slang words, which vary by state. As we communicate online, acronyms and emojis are common, which could also be considered Lingua franca!

google translate. (2023). Retrieved from Google Translate.

Mufwene, S. S. (2023, May 10). Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved from

The World Factbook. (2021). Retrieved from The World Factbook:


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